The Leading With Grace Podcast
The Leading with Grace Podcast is for women who want to climb the ladder while thriving instead of struggling. This is where we break free of outdated masculine leadership ideals, tap into our intuition and step into our feminine power.
I’m your host, Jen Reimer, leadership expert, speaker and coach; here to help you identify the conditioning that is holding you back from courageous, inspirational leadership.
I am endlessly fascinated by what drives human behaviour, and love those “aha” moments when I discover a paradigm I’ve been living into but unaware of.
In this show, we explore how societal paradigms and the subconscious mind play a role in the way you work and lead, and how to rise above this conditioning to lead with grace and courage.
The Leading With Grace Podcast
How to Stop Spinning and Get to The Strategic Stuff
Today’s episode was inspired by a question that was asked to me at a recent talk I gave at a multinational corporation.
A participant asked "What actions can we take when we find ourselves going down the rabbit hole of busyness?"
TUNE IN! And learn a simple practical process my clients and I use to avoid overwhelm and stress, and stay focused on the important stuff. I've been using this process for 2 years and I'm sharing it because it works and it transformed my life. It's also neuroscience-backed.
I also share some quick hacks to pull yourself out of the spinning and firefighting when you find yourself there, to refocus and get clarity.
Join me on my Instagram @jenreimerleadership where I broadcast LIVE every morning at 8:45 EDT and we do this process together to prep for your day and make sure you are being strategic every day.
Connect with me!