The Leading With Grace Podcast
The Leading with Grace Podcast is for women who want to climb the ladder while thriving instead of struggling. This is where we break free of outdated masculine leadership ideals, tap into our intuition and step into our feminine power.
I’m your host, Jen Reimer, leadership expert, speaker and coach; here to help you identify the conditioning that is holding you back from courageous, inspirational leadership.
I am endlessly fascinated by what drives human behaviour, and love those “aha” moments when I discover a paradigm I’ve been living into but unaware of.
In this show, we explore how societal paradigms and the subconscious mind play a role in the way you work and lead, and how to rise above this conditioning to lead with grace and courage.
The Leading With Grace Podcast
How inadvertently giving my power way stopped me from leading
How does it feel to say "I am powerful"? It can make you feel more powerful to say it out loud, but you might also realize that a part of you doesn't believe it or you don't deserve it. At least that's the way I felt and sometimes still feel.
In this episode, I share my story of feeling powerless (aka a slave to the company), what it means to give our power away, and how it affects women's leadership.
For most of my corporate career, I didn’t feel powerful at all. I felt like everyone else had control of my career. The higher-ups decided what my next career move was. Everyone else had control of my agenda, my vacation time, my days....
When I took my power back, everything changed. Have a listen to find out how.
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