The Leading With Grace Podcast
The Leading with Grace Podcast is for women who want to climb the ladder while thriving instead of struggling. This is where we break free of outdated masculine leadership ideals, tap into our intuition and step into our feminine power.
I’m your host, Jen Reimer, leadership expert, speaker and coach; here to help you identify the conditioning that is holding you back from courageous, inspirational leadership.
I am endlessly fascinated by what drives human behaviour, and love those “aha” moments when I discover a paradigm I’ve been living into but unaware of.
In this show, we explore how societal paradigms and the subconscious mind play a role in the way you work and lead, and how to rise above this conditioning to lead with grace and courage.
The Leading With Grace Podcast
Get clear direction and purpose by unlocking self-worth and intuition with Nicole Tsong
Do you sometimes have trouble making decisions, your mind spins in the middle of the night or you lack clear direction on the next steps in your project or even in your life?
These are signs that you’re disconnected from your intuition or ignoring it. If you’re listening to this podcast, you’re probably a super-smart woman who has used logic to rise up the ranks. But if you’re feeling these symptoms, you might be surprised by what Nicole shares in this episode: that self-worth is at the root of it.
You might think you have loads of self-worth if you’re confident in your work or in certain areas of your life. But self-worth sneaks up on many high-performing, confident women when they listen to the voice in their head that is anxious, fearful, and not good enough. The result is that they run on autopilot, work to exhaustion, and often lack clarity on decisions and actions.
Nicole unravels the connections between self-worth, intuition, work ethic, and leadership. She shares insights about how to pinpoint self-worth issues with inspiring stories from her own experience as an award-winning journalist turned yoga teacher and self-worth coach. She leaves you with small, doable actions to cultivate self-worth and reconnect with your intuition, so you discover the bold, inspired leader that is already within you.
Find Nicole
Instagram: @nicoletsong
Access Nicole's FREE SECRET PODCAST "The Secret Language of Intuition" by sending her a DM with the word "Intuition".