The Leading With Grace Podcast

The Real Reason Perfectionism is So Hard to Break

May 02, 2024 Jennifer Reimer Season 1 Episode 16

Do you spend time getting all the titles lined up in a PowerPoint presentation or the fonts all sized correctly?

Maybe you need to write something like a report, and you stare at a blank page, wondering how you should write a captivating introduction.

Or when preparing a talk, you stress yourself over it and don't get the actual presentation right because your mind is focusing more on perfecting it.

So if these sound familiar, you may have some perfectionist tendencies.

In this new episode of The Leading of Grace podcast, I talk about perfectionism and how it affects women in their careers and in their personal lives.

I talk about a lot of personal experiences in this episode because I consider myself a perfectionist, which I am striving to grow out of.

Tune in!

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