The Leading With Grace Podcast

Struggling to Delegate is Not Because You Don't Trust Your People

March 28, 2024 Jennifer Reimer Season 1 Episode 12

Do you often find yourself saying, "I'll just do it myself", "It'll just take 5 minutes" or "I don't have time to explain it to them"?

This episode is for you. Many people don't see these phrases as indicators that they have trouble delegating, but they are sure signs. And if you are saying them, I'm going to uncover some reasons underneath these types of phrases.

SPOILER ALERT: It's not necessarily that you don't trust your people.

It has more to do with YOU and your subconscious beliefs and narratives.

If these phrases resonate, there is probably so much more you can get off your plate so you can get to the stuff you REALLY want to work on.
Tune in to shift your mind and get some tips on how to finally delegate and lead with more grace.

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