The Leading With Grace Podcast

How to Stop Spinning and Get to The Strategic Stuff

March 21, 2024 Jennifer Reimer Season 1 Episode 11

Today’s episode was inspired by a question that was asked to me at a recent talk I gave at a multinational corporation.
A participant asked "What actions can we take when we find ourselves  going down the rabbit hole of busyness?"

TUNE IN! And learn a simple practical process my clients and I use to avoid overwhelm and stress, and stay focused on the important stuff. I've been using this process for 2 years and I'm sharing it because it works and it transformed my life. It's also neuroscience-backed.

I also share some quick hacks to pull yourself out of the spinning and firefighting when you find yourself there, to refocus and get clarity.

Join me on my Instagram @jenreimerleadership where I broadcast LIVE every morning at 8:45 EDT and we do this process together to prep for your day and make sure you are being strategic every day.

Connect with me!
