The Leading With Grace Podcast

How inadvertently giving my power way stopped me from leading

February 15, 2024 Jennifer Reimer Season 1 Episode 7

How does it feel to say "I am powerful"? It can make you feel more powerful to say it out loud, but you might also realize that a part of you doesn't believe it or you don't deserve it. At least that's the way I felt and sometimes still feel. 

In this episode, I share my story of feeling powerless (aka a slave to the company), what it means to give our power away, and how it affects women's leadership.

For most of my corporate career, I didn’t feel powerful at all. I felt like everyone else had control of my career. The higher-ups decided what my next career move was. Everyone else had control of my agenda, my vacation time, my days....

When I took my power back, everything changed. Have a listen to find out how.

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